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Education Database

Search our Database with Universities and Study Programs all over Europe.
This service is offered by the independand EuroFM Education Network Group ENG.


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EuroFM is the European Facility Management platform organization that brings educators, researchers and practitioners in the field of Facility Management together.
EuroFM as the Facility Management network association has its members situated in 23 different countries in Europe from research institutes to universities, service providers and national Facility Management related associations. The aim is to bring forward the Facility Management profession and to come to a better mutual understanding by learning and sharing Facility Management knowledge. Please read more at

Enducation Network Group ENG

EuroFM is a member association. As an organization, EuroFM harbours different types of membership. These varies within the three pillars of EuroFM, namely: Research, Education, Practice and Corporates. The role of the Education Network Group is:

  • To facilitate an active education network in Europe reflecting the integrated approach to Facility Management education, research and practice
  • To assist educational institutions in drafting their Facility Management curricula and to set standards of Facility Management education in Europe
  • To encourage and facilitate student exchange between EuroFM Member universities
  • To encourage and facilitate an active knowledge sharing and staff exchange culture amongst the EuroFM member Universities
  • To enhance internships with the Facility Management industry and other Facility Management related organizations

Education Database

Facility Management is both in research and education as well as in practice in comparison with other disciplines very young and still in motion. So in Europe there are different programs at Bachelor and Master Level, as well there are PhD programs and Certifications. The substantive program priorities of individual programs differ at the same level of education.
This database will give the opportunity to get an overview of all the study programs in Europe. This Facility Management Education Database is an initiative of the EuroFM Education Network Group which will provide the Facility Management study programs to all applicants and companies who are interested in Facility Management education.

This Service is a EuroFM Education Network Group Inititative developed with students and powered by the Institute for Facility & Real Estate Management at Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol (Austria), University of Applied Sciences - 2016